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How do I render an invisible wall in Twilight Render?

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 9:19 pm
by Fletch
(question and idea from original post here) "How do I render a Transparent Wall, but still make it cast shadows?"
(1.03 MiB) Downloaded 1304 times
You can download the actual SketchUp scene below.
  1. Give your wall a thickness of 6 inches/15cm
  2. apply a color to BOTH SIDES OF the thick wall
  3. be sure the normals of the wall faces point away from the centerline. (the outside of the wall should face to the exterior, the inside of the wall should face the interior)
  4. apply the Realistic Glass Template to interior and exterior faces.
  5. Set IOR for the glass material to 1.1, set Alpha to 1 Set COLOR to “white”.
  6. Apply Material Template Architectural Glass No Shadow to your Window Glass. Make sure the windows are built with only one face of glass.
  7. Render with Easy 09
Twilight V1 - download SU7/8 compatible scene in .skp format 610kb
Twilight V1 - download sketchup 8 scene in zip file. 1Mb

Re: How do I render an invisible wall in Twilight Render?

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 9:36 pm
by JGA
Thanks for the demo, I didn't think it could be done in TwiL.

Re: How do I render an invisible wall in Twilight Render?

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 12:45 am
by Ecuadorian
This is news for me, too. :shock: :^:

Re: How do I render an invisible wall in Twilight Render?

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 6:13 pm
by JGA
Not at my PC just now, but is "Material Template Architectural Glass No Shadow" going under another name in v2?

Re: How do I render an invisible wall in Twilight Render?

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 10:12 am
by Fletch
Choose "Architectural Glass">Common, then go to the "advanced" pull-down menu in Twilight Render's Material Editor Dialog and UN-check the "Cast Shadows" check box.

Re: How do I render an invisible wall in Twilight Render?

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 10:39 am
by JGA
Thanks for the update.

Re: How do I render an invisible wall in Twilight Render?

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 8:09 pm
by JGA
I tried to have an invisible wall with invisible windows, but I'm having a problem getting rid of the ingoes.
I suppose it's because the wall is solid glass, & I can reduce the wall thickness & edit it out in post pro.

Re: How do I render an invisible wall in Twilight Render?

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 9:39 pm
Je viens d'essayer de rendre un plafond invisible pour mon projet déco mais cela ne fonctionne pas. Le soleil passe quand même à travers ?
J'ai joint les vues du modèle sketchup et le rendu.
svp pouvez vous m'aider ?

Re: How do I render an invisible wall in Twilight Render?

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 8:17 am
by JGA
Google Translate -
Je pense que votre plafond est une seule face - il doit être un objet "en verre" solide

Re: How do I render an invisible wall in Twilight Render?

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 11:57 am
Merci, Oui effectivement je n'avais qu'une face. J'ai rajouté une face et corrigé aussi la matière. (voir vues ci-jointes). C'est ok le soleil ne passe plus à travers le plafond.
Par contre le rendu est "bleu", pas génial même avec Easy09. J'ai appliqué une matière PEINTURE sur les murs mais c'est pas beau. (voir vue jointe).
J'ai donc encore besoin de vos précieux conseils. Merci.