Twilight Render V2.13.8 (Maintenance Release)

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Twilight Render V2.13.8 (Maintenance Release)

Post by Chris » Fri Aug 23, 2019 2:32 pm

We've just released a new update with a small (but very important fix).

If you use SketchUp 2019, there is a bug in how Twilight Render talks with SketchUp regarding SketchUp Images. The result of this bug was that your render might be randomly missing pieces. This was reported a handful of times on the forum (thank you to those who reported issues).

The new update fixes this and should resolve all instances of this issue. We apologize for any inconvenience.

We recommend that all Twilight Render users update to this new release. If you are using SketchUp 2019, it is critical that you update.

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