Copy colors from anywhere with hex color codes

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Copy colors from anywhere with hex color codes

Post by Ecuadorian » Wed Oct 07, 2009 8:03 pm

In each color box present in Twilight, you can paste hex color codes. These codes are a handy way to copy colors from one graphic application to another. They can be pasted in the color channel, reflection channel, background /sky color, sunlight color, and in the artificial light color box. As an example of their usefulness, if you're preparing a brochure, you can easily make the background color in your render match the background color you're using in your brochure design by just copy/pasting the hex code.

If you want to copy any color you see on your screen to Twilight, you can use a free application called The Color Picker:
copy-from-here.gif (8.39 KiB) Viewed 27664 times
You just have to click on the eyedropper icon, and start clicking on all the colors you want from the screen. When you're finished picking colors, click the "Stop picking color" button and the colors you picked will appear in the "Color Palette". Select each one to make its hex code visible, and copy/paste this code to Twilight.

Download The Color Picker from here: ... 01702.html

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Re: Copy colors from anywhere with hex color codes

Post by olishea » Thu Oct 08, 2009 5:44 pm

thanks for this

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Re: Copy colors from anywhere with hex color codes

Post by Pilou » Thu Oct 08, 2009 9:46 pm

Cool trick :)
I have this free one : The Visual Color Picker ;)
Pilou (Frenchy)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
Speedy Galerie

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Re: Copy colors from anywhere with hex color codes

Post by Ecuadorian » Thu Oct 08, 2009 9:58 pm

Thank you, Pilou. I had second thoughts about posting this one as few people use hex codes, but then I remembered you use them: ... 37#p129737

The "Color Palette Generator" you linked to in SCF is really cool, too! Extremely useful when you simply can't figure out what colors to use to capture a general mood. And it also generates hex codes you can copy and paste to Twilight:

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Re: Copy colors from anywhere with hex color codes

Post by res08a7k » Sat Nov 20, 2021 7:26 pm

What's Currently the best way to match colors.

This app is out of date.

thank you,

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Re: Copy colors from anywhere with hex color codes

Post by Fletch » Sun Nov 21, 2021 1:58 pm

Inside of SketchUp there's an eyedropper under Materials palette: Color picker : eyedropper with screen and tooltip says "match color on screen".

Are you asking for a similar color match picker within Twilight material editor?
colormatch.jpg (46.33 KiB) Viewed 20477 times


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