Lighting, Translucence

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Re: Lighting, Translucence

Post by Chris » Tue May 29, 2012 5:42 pm

I believe Fletch is referring to this previous thread post above: ... =10#p25863

As far as the texture path issue, let me shed some light on that because it can certainly be confusing.
When a texture channel, such as Color, or Bump, shows the "chained" or "locked" button on it's left side that means the render will always use the texture that SketchUp shows for that material, always. If you change the texture in the SketchUp material, the render will show the new texture.

This has two important issues. First, Twilight doesn't care where the texture was originally. The texture is embedded in the SketchUp model and whatever filepath it had before is unnecessary. So what the material editor is showing you is where it's going to export that texture to, temporarily, when it renders. Thus, the temp directory.

Second, when the channel is locked and you browse to, and select a new texture file, you are replacing the texture in SketchUp. You are embedding a new texture into the SketchUp model and dumping the old one. Since the texture you selected is now embedded in SketchUp, the original file path is unneccessary (see first point).

So hopefully that makes it clear why you are seeing the temp folder as the file location. The problems you were having actually had nothing to do with the displayed file path at all; it was only the texture image itself being in an unusable format.

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