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Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 9:57 pm
by SpookyChick
I know it's been awhile. Health issue flareups. The good news is I had a lovely holiday season with my spouse, and our feline masters-I mean, neko. Especially lovely, because I didn't have to deal with people I didn't want to.

I have actually been hard at work for most of the last few months. I got tagged to be a concept artist on someone's sci-fi trilogy, and later that turned into being a co-author, after they decided they liked my "Oceanus Noctis" universe I've been building for several years. That has eaten up 99 % of my (remaining) free time. Still, I'm having a lot of fun with the Daybreak trilogy, and also, I am finally at liberty to show a few samples of art from it.

Daybreak, the first novel of the series, should be publishing roughly April or May, followed around Thanksgiving or Christmas by Remembrance, and eventually, by Starfire, sometime in 2020. I know, that's along time from now, but novels are big projects, especially when the first one is 150 thousand words, and the second and third are going to be of comparable size. Anyway, I'm very excited to have a chance to put my own stuff on display, instead of rendering other peoples dreams. (Force save us from starships designed by art majors.)

So without further delay:
Rendered on Setting 9, 30 passes
Rendered on Setting 9, 30 passes
Terran DD Replacement Test 7 Post Pro.png (638.48 KiB) Viewed 9169 times
Rendered on Setting 9, 80 passes
Rendered on Setting 9, 80 passes
Yosei Strike Fighter Hangar Test 2.png (592.51 KiB) Viewed 9169 times
I'm particularly proud of both of these. Models, textures, etcetera, all my original work, modeled in SU 2017, rendered in TWR 2.11

I'm finally reaching the point where I am creating the sort of art I wanted to create when I started using Twilight nearly ten years ago. I looked through an old archive of my stuff the other day, and cringed, over how bad the models were. I have found that it's not always the number of polys which create slow renders. Sometimes, it's other bad modeling practices, and sometimes it's bad textures, or even bad composition

Apologies for the hanko, and the small size,(the originals are 1920 x 1086 and 1920 x 1440), but an episode of art theft has put a stop to me releasing anything large and / or unsigned. Anyway, for good or ill, these are two samples of the art from the forthcoming Daybreak trilogy. There will be an assortment of images posted to my website over the coming week, mostly clay renders, but a few full color renders. Enjoy!

Re: Hyperspace

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 11:03 pm
by Fletch
Congrats, Shinseiko! Looking good so far. I'm happy you are feeling more confident in your skills.

These images are looking great! :^:

Re: Hyperspace

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 11:22 pm
by SpookyChick
Thank you Fletch! Also, I only now found out, two years late, that one of my lightsaber renders I posted in December of 2016 made it into the Showcase Gallery. Thank you so much for that honour. I am deeply honoured by that, and it motivates me to post more on here. I've been wanting to have my work show up in the Showcase since I first looked through it back in 2010, when it was less than 20 pages, if that much.

I feel like I've finally got a handle on modeling, and I like to think I've managed to acquire a certain amount of skill with rendering. Persistence is one of the real key factors; because sometimes all I can do is just keep making changes and trying again and again, until I get it right.

Here's another piece from Daybreak. I may actually use some variant of this for the cover of Remembrance:
Volumetrics added in post
Volumetrics added in post
Secret Underground Lair Test 7 Post Pro.jpg (404.91 KiB) Viewed 9160 times

Re: Hyperspace

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 11:51 pm
by SpookyChick
One more image. This one has a missing detail the other does not. After I realised what was missing, I rerendered with Skatter, and then did Volumetrics in Post as before. This was the result:
Setting 9 60 passes, Sky portal and Skatter, Volumetrics in Post.
Setting 9 60 passes, Sky portal and Skatter, Volumetrics in Post.
Secret Underground Lair Test 11 PostPro .jpg (508.21 KiB) Viewed 9158 times
That's enough from me for today.

Ja ne!

Re: Hyperspace

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 10:03 am
by Mike1158
Very nice, Shinseiko, looking forward to seeing more when the time comes. Congratulations on your good news. :clap: :whoot:

Re: Hyperspace

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 2:00 pm
by Fletch
Intriguing, thanks for sharing Cathryn! :^:
Glad you spotted your Gallery debut. ;)

Re: Hyperspace

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 3:49 pm
by SpookyChick
Thanks, Mike!

You're most welcome, Fletch! Funny story there, I had given up on looking at the Gallery because archvis isn't really my thing normally, and that was the vast majority of what I saw going into the Gallery. Nothing wrong with archvis, I just prefer things which "do point five past lightspeed" if you know what I mean. Ironically this project forced me into modeling an entire buke-zukuri, one of the old samurai country estates, of which there are very few if any, left in Nihon. Sure, there are several "samurai houses", but those are all in towns and were built as urban dwellings. So I have had to level up my skills with architectural modeling, and rendering. Here's a sample:
House Test 8 .png
House Test 8 .png (860.38 KiB) Viewed 9141 times
House Test 12 .png
House Test 12 .png (1.16 MiB) Viewed 9141 times
House Test 13 .png
House Test 13 .png (937.36 KiB) Viewed 9141 times
As you can see, I still have along way to go when it comes to architectural visualisation, although there is progress made between each of the test images. While I'm still not satisfied with the model itself, because traditional Japanese architecture can be incredibly complex, I am fairly happy with the texturing for most of it, well, except for the wood textures. Once upon a time, I had a large stash of high quality wood textures, and now they seem to have disappeared.

The bottom line is, I just had a good lesson in not giving up hope, not being my own worst critic, and not ignoring subjects and genres. Lesson learned, and I'm actually thankful for it. Maybe some of my work will earn it's way in there again someday. In the meantime, I'm just going to keep doing the best I can, and learn from everything I possibly can learn from.

I'll post a few more images of the buke-zukuri in the next post since there's still a three file per post limit here.

Re: Hyperspace

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 3:59 pm
by SpookyChick
...And I'm back, with the other three sample images from the buke-zukuri. All of these are very much WIP, however, they show where my skills are at. In the previous post, and this one, the ink paintings on the fusuma are all my own work, done digitally, where I can have the software compensate for my shaky hands. also, the tatame texture is a modification of a photo I took about 15 years ago of a wicker work basket. I think it worked out pretty well.
House Test 14 .png
House Test 14 .png (856.16 KiB) Viewed 9139 times
Dojo Test 1 .png
Dojo Test 1 .png (926.29 KiB) Viewed 9139 times
Dojo Test 2.png
Dojo Test 2.png (874.07 KiB) Viewed 9139 times
Constructive comments and constructive critiques welcome

Re: Hyperspace

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 12:12 pm
by Mike1158
Nice, I hope that those existing are not lost. Too much heritage gets junked with the march of the ultra high rise towers. :clap:

Re: Hyperspace

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:40 pm
by majid
Couple of nice renders here! :rspkt: :clap: :clap: