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Free Studio HDRi Spherical Sky image

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 9:30 am
by Fletch
Here is a scene with a deceptively simple Studio HDRi we have developed.
Please test for yourself with your objects of choice, and post here so we can see your results.

Any feedback is welcome. :hat:

The skull in the attached file was provided in high-poly format on 3D scan website by Marchal Geoffrey My Mini Factory.

Unzip the hdri from the attached .zip file.
Open your Twilight Render Environment settings - and load the .hdr file into the sky channel.
When you load this .hdr spherical image into your future scenes, keep in mind that you will need to rotate the image to match your camera view. ;)

Re: Free Studio HDRi Spherical Sky image

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 3:56 pm
by Fletch
HDRi-Scene.jpg (557.17 KiB) Viewed 19140 times
Here is a .skp file and an HDRi Studio image created from the .skp file.
(5.68 MiB) Downloaded 1404 times
Preview image of HDRi - this is NOT THE HDRi, this is a .jpg format preview.
HDRstudio-warmcool_West-preview.jpg (28.71 KiB) Viewed 19142 times
Download the HDR file here:
(708.32 KiB) Downloaded 1247 times
The .gif shows how the HDRi being loaded into a blank scene and the rendering using the HDR spherical image as the sole lighting.
The .skp file containing the hurricane lamp with the spherical image loaded into the sky is also included for your convenience.

Re: Free Studio HDRi Spherical Sky image

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 4:26 pm
by ntxdave
Did not see this before I went off trying to create my own HDR file (see post in his thread). Now I have more info to get the job done better (I hope :lol: ).

Once again, Thanks Fletch for these great instructions/insight on how to get things done. :^: :hat: