Emitter Lights or Light Emitting Materials (LEMs)

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Emitter Lights or Light Emitting Materials (LEMs)

Post by Fletch » Tue Apr 25, 2023 7:38 am

To create a surface that emits light, we have created a great YouTube video about this, but it is meant to be very simple.

How to change name of color and create light emitter LED strip on Mac
Duplicate the SketchUp color in order to Give The Color a Unique Name,
Using SketchUp's paint bucket tool apply your newly created material to any color to a face or surface in your scene.
Then apply the Emitter Template to that surface.
Then adjust the power of the Emitter as desired.
Render on Easy 09 for best results with light emitter surfaces.
bonus step:
Denoise with Fastforward Denoise Addon :^:


Using SketchUp's paint bucket tool apply any color to a face or surface in your scene.
  1. Using Twilight Render's Material Eye Dropper tool, select that color
  2. Apply template Emitter>your choice of light source type
It should now shine light. That simple.

To change the color of the emitted light:
Change the color in SketchUp, or,
Change the Twilight Material property of "Color" for the Emitter Material to be "Color" and modify the color here.
emitter-change-color.gif (2.12 MiB) Viewed 12949 times

Posts: 12921
Joined: Fri Mar 20, 2009 2:41 pm
OS: PC 64bit
SketchUp: 2016-2023

Re: Emitter Lights or Light Emitting Materials (LEMs)

Post by Fletch » Thu Apr 27, 2023 10:35 am

How to change name of color and create light emitter LED strip on Mac
  1. Duplicate the SketchUp color in order to Give The Color a Unique Name,
  2. Then apply that newly created material to your surface in the scene.
  3. Then apply the Emitter Template to that surface.
  4. Then adjust the power of the Emitter as desired.
  5. Render on Easy 09 for best results with light emitter surfaces.
  6. bonus step:
    Denoise with Fastforward Denoise Addon :^:
Mac-Demo-Emitter-Color-STEPS.gif (2.56 MiB) Viewed 12927 times


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