No valid image file available for environment background.

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No valid image file available for environment background.

Post by PycLan » Fri Mar 01, 2024 8:47 am

I am trying to render a scene for a coworker but after saving out the file the plug in crashes.
Below is the log:

10:33:17: No valid image file available for environment background.
10:33:17: Geometry Processing Time: 1 (s)
10:33:18: Failed to save the image./Users/pyclan/Desktop/Concepts/rendered/Untitled.jpg

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Re: No valid image file available for environment background.

Post by Fletch » Sat Mar 02, 2024 10:06 pm

10:33:17: No valid image file available for environment background.
So when you are trying to render the scene, it's not finding the image file that was at some point loaded into the environment.
Open the environment dialog and browse to the image, or use a different environment image.
10:33:17: Geometry Processing Time: 1 (s)
there's an error processing the scene (see item one) and it's unable to render the scene - likely because there are no lights. The environment image is supposed to be providing the lighting for the scene, but it's missing. And the sun/any other lights in the scene are disabled.
10:33:18: Failed to save the image./Users/pyclan/Desktop/Concepts/rendered/Untitled.jpg
it's likely a black image and there's nothing to be saved.

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