FastForward AI Denoising with GPU or CPU for Twilight Render Pro!


With the installation of Twilight Render Pro, v2.12 or higher, we are expanding our AddOn feature set with Fast Forward AI Denoising for CPU and GPU.  This AddOn will remove noise from your progressive rendering instantly, bringing you to a beautiful, noise free render up to 300% faster!

Buy the Fast Forward Denoising AddOn now!


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The best new AddOn for Twilight Render Pro users called "Fast Forward" is here!

FastForward will remove noise from your progressive rendering instantly. This AddOn works like a "fast forward" button for cleaning up your unbiased image, dramatically reducing the amount of time and passes required to reach a noise free, beautiful image. (not to mention it works surprisingly well on noise in Easy 01 Prelim render mode making your renderings possibly complete in seconds.)


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Optimized for Progressive Path Tracing and Metropolis Light Transport progressive rendering settings, FastForward can take a near-ready rendering to noise free instantly.  This means, for Twilight Render Pro users, Easy 08 (PTP) and Easy 09(MLT) render settings are getting a MASSIVE SPEED BOOST with clean rendered images up to 300% faster.  The AI works best with images after they pass the initial stages where it is visibly clearing the noise. Once the rendering is entering a phase where visible improvement has massively slowed down, the AI can "take it from here" as it now has enough information to make an "educated guess" what the image should look like.


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Fast Forward Denoising AddOn works with CPU OR GPU and it works on MacOS and Windows systems.

The CPU denoise algorithm works well on AMD CPUs but is also great on Intel Processors. Again, Twilight Render's Fastforward AI Denoise add-on works with Mac and PC. Mac users note: It will be limited to CPU only.

The GPU algorithm works with Windows and now uses NVidia Optix SDK 7.0. This was motivated primarily to provide support for newer generation GPUs, especially RTX based processors. The minimum NVidia driver version is now 435.8. If you have an older generation NVidia card that can't be upgraded to 435.8, and you previously were using the FastForward Denoiser, please contact us in Twilight V2 Pro Tech Support Section of the user forum and we will provide you access to the previous release of the denoiser AddOn to continue using it with your Twilight Render installation.


How AddOns Work


AddOns is a new feature for Twilight Render, starting with V2.7, that allows you to purchase specialized tools from the Twilight Render webstore and activate them in your copy of Twilight Render Pro.  Rather than package these new high-end tools directly with Twilight Render Pro at a higher cost, we allow users to choose what tools are useful for them.


Each AddOn is licensed in the same way that Twilight Render Pro is, so users will be comfortable with the experience.  And it uses the same license terms as Twilight Render Pro, so you can activate your purchased AddOn on each of your personally licensed installations of Twilight Render Pro.


A license for Twilight Render V2 Pro is required to activate an AddOn.  AddOns are not available for Twilight Render Hobby or any unactivated installation of V2 Pro.  Some AddOns may require upgrading to a certain version of Twilight Render V2 (which is always free!).


Saturday, July 27, 2024

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