Basic Materials

Tutorial 1 in the Basics of Twilight Render V2 Series

Twilight Render materials are based on the concept of Templates, preconfigured materials that are easily adjustable to achieve a desired effect.  Twilight Render V2 comes equipped with a large variety of material templates.  In this tutorial we will step through the basics of selecting a material, applying a template, and adjusting the basic settngs.


material editor  


Twilight Render Materials are built onto SketchUp materials.  Additional information, like type of Template, is stored inside the material and travels with it wherever the material, and model, goes.

To edit a material:

  1. Click on the Twilight Render Material Editor in the TWR toolbar
  2. The editor window will open, and the material selection tool (the eyedropper) will be enabled
  3. Click in the scene, on the material that you want to edit.
  4. You will see the material open in the editor
  5. Choose a template from the Templates menu.
  6. The properties that can be edited will now be available.  You will see things like Color, Bump, IOR (index of refraction) and others.
  7. Color represents the primary color of the material.  By default, the Templates always use the SketchUp material color or texture.  You can change it by choosing Color from the drop down, then selecting a new color.
  8. Properties like IOR and Shininess can be edited by entering a new number

 material bump

One of the most effective material features is adding a Bump Map.  Typically, bump maps use a texture to simulate a rough or wavy surface.  Most Twilight Render templates support bump maps, and make it easy to apply them.

  1. With your material loaded in the Material Editor, change Bump to 'Texture'.
  2. Select a texture image from your disk
  3. You can also choose to use the SketchUp material texture, if one is applied in SketchUp.
  4. The Bump 'Size' is a multiplier that controls how big the bump effect will be.
  5. 'Invert Texture' is used to reverse the direction of the bump effect.

material water

In addition to solid materials, Twilight Render supports a wide range of Transparent and Semi-Transparent materials, like glass and water.  Just select the appropriate template from the list.

  1. With your material loaded in the editor, select one of the Glass Templates
  2. To simulate water, you may want a smooth, wave-like texture
  3. When changing the color or texture of the image, pay attention to the Alpha value.  Alpha, or Transparency, must be set appropriately to achieve a transparent effect.
  4. Note: when applying a Glass Template, Twilight Render will usually automatically adjust the alpha value of your SkechUp material!
Saturday, July 27, 2024

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